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Effective Calls To Action

Written by Eduardo Esparza | Jun 19, 2013

Calls to Action (CTAs) are one of the most important conversion elements you can implement on your website. These are the buttons that, when linked to your landing pages with their custom offers, create the lead database that your sales team relies on. They're also one of your most reliable indicators that your inbound marketing efforts are succeeding.

A Call to action is easy to do, but often hard to do well. So, as part of our series of small business web design tips, we wanted to present a few keys to help you create effective calls to action.

Small Business Web Design Tips: Five Musts For Your CTAs

  1. Action-Oriented Copy

Every great story starts with a great headline, right? Well, the same is true for your CTAs. The copy on the button should be focused on immediately conveying the benefit of your offer to the customer. This is usually best accomplished by leading off with an action word that directly links the offer to the customer.

For example: "Boost Your SEO With Our Free Website Design Guide!" Having a verb at the beginning is the key here.

II. Distinct Graphic Design

If there's one of our small business web design tips we don't see followed enough, it's making CTAs that do not blend with the design of  the page. CTAs need to pop off the page and be instantly identifiable. They are one of the few elements of your website that should not be in your typical company colors.

Look for new color schemes for your CTA buttons that complement your existing design, while still being visually distinct. They have to be noticeable to anyone visiting the site and they are actually a way to clearly define the desired flow for your visitors: What exactly do you want them to do next?  Which takes us to the next point.

III. Competing CTAs

This is another common mistake we often see: Having multiple competing CTAs confusing users about what to do next. Generally speaking, there should always be a desired next step.  It makes it easier for you to take your visitors down a specific conversion path.

Also, the copy on your CTA should always map directly to the headline and offer on the landing page. If your button talks about getting a "free analysis", use the exact same terminology in the  landing page, don't try to change the offer and try to sell a "free consultation" on the landing page; it will simply hurt your conversions.

IV. A/B Testing

One of the best features of the Hubspot platform is the ability to run unlimited A/B tests comparing the response rates for different CTAs and landing pages.  

This is one of the most powerful small business web design tips we can give you.  You will never be able to design a CTA that gives you the best conversions just from gut feeling.   You have to test! So keep experimenting. We have seen winning button versions and copy that we had actually could have never predicted to be the winners;  you won't believe what people actually click on!

V. Remember Text Links

Your CTAs don't have to be highly crafted buttons. Text links in your blog copy, email campaigns, or elsewhere on the site can serve as CTAs as well. If you get a chance, tell people about how they can achieve maximum performance through your free offers while on your blog, or in other areas on your site.

Anything that invites action on the part of a visitor is a CTA, even a simple invitation to click a link.

Do you have any suggestions for future articles on small business web design tips? Let us know what kind of advice you'd like to see covered here.  We'd be glad to answer your questions.