Time management is key and for many marketing professionals and business owners alike, there just simply isn’t enough time in one day! So, what do you do to increase lead generation?
To help you out, we have provided you with 5 tips to help speed up the content creation process whilst still producing remarkable content. Here are five tips to help you create content quickly.
1. Plan your content.
Structure is important. B2B lead generation is heavily dependent on you creating valuable content. And in order to create content, you need to be organized. It’s like most things in life, if you fail to plan, then you’re planning to fail. And B2B lead generation is no exception. Your sole task is to gain the attention of your target audience. Do this by presenting remarkable content that is solution based, not product based.
So, instead of just writing for writing’s sake, ask yourself these questions:
• Who is my target persona? Who am I creating content for? (e.g how old are they? What problems does he/she face? What industry are they in? what are their responsibilities? Who do they report to?)
• What do I want these people to actually do? What’s the objective of creating this content? ( e.g download our eBook, contact us, tell their boss about us, etc.)
Remember: you are writing to generate leads! So you also need to begin every content piece with a few key questions in mind:
• What is the intended goal of every piece of content you write? Are you writing to get contact details, move leads through the funnel, or get them to buy stuff?)
• Would this buyer persona be grateful for the information they gain from reading the content? In other words, would creating this content make them happy?
• How does this piece of content fit into your buyer's journey? (Top, middle, or bottom of funnel?)
2. Research.
The B2B marketing teams' primary goal is to generate leads for the sales team. One major battle for marketing is not always knowing what works best. Chances are your sales team can help. They will be full of information on your buyer personas. On top of this conduct research on current industry trends, emerging technologies, collaboration software etc. Remember: lead generation requires team effort a strong alignment.
Ask each of your customer facing staff to write down the 5 most common comments/questions they encounter and turn them into e-books and blogs. This information is gold and right at your fingertips.
3. Recycle your content.
Start your content strategy with an awesome piece of content. A well researched, informative and remarkable piece is what you’re looking for when creating content. For example: an eBook an industry professional would give their right arm for. Although is is far more tempting to write a blog on the most recently inspiring topic, it is far more effective to think about the bigger picture.
A good way of motivating yourself is to think that starting your content strategy with an eBook can serve as the source of 3-6 blogs, an infographic, a factsheet used in a nurture email campaign or even given to your sales guy to send potential customers he is building a relationship with. It serves many purposes.
4. Select, organize and present appropriately.
In other words, curated content! It has been the topic of many a blog lately. This is probably due to the huge results we have been seeing (for our clients and ourselves) when we create curated content blogs.
Although it is a bit annoying to spend 3 hours writing a freshly crafted blog post only to find out that a curated one took only 1 hour and works better. But that’s just how it works.
5. Content is measurable
As much as I hate changing a plan, the best content strategies are built on a strong foundation and then refined as time goes on. If you keep going without analysis and refinement, you’re just complicating your life.
One of the many cool things about content marketing is that everything is measurable. Even a piece of string. The famous old quote, "50% of my marketing is doing really well, I just don't know which 50%" is outdated. Now you do know which.
Just take a look at the stats on your Google Analytics, your email marketing tool, Hootsuite reports or whatever else you use (we use Hubspot for all of this because it makes everything easier).
Some key things to look for are:
- Which blogs are most shared and read
- Which email subject lines are generating the most open rates
- Which landing pages are generating the best conversion rates
- Which social media channel is most effective for leads
- Which LinkedIn Group generates the most traffic to site
Then, after this, streamline your marketing efforts. It saves time and will increase your leads.
So there you have it. 5 tips for saving time and getting better results from your content strategy. Now you have no excuse!
If you have any tips to share I would really love to hear them, please comment in the comments section below.